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Im just a simple 15 year-old girl, living my life to its fullest! im excited to fill my profile with my memorable experiences and lessons in life. GOD Bless Ü.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Ectopic Pregnancy

When the egg and sperm cell meet, it will be fertilized. Then, the fertilized egg will move through your Fallopian tube to your Uterus to attach to its lining and will stay there for 9 months to grow. That's what happens in a normal pregnancy, but in 1 of every 50 pregnancies, the fertilized egg stays in the fallopian tube to grow. That's what you call Ectopic Pregnancy or Tubal pregnancy. In rare cases, the fertilized egg attaches to an ovary or other abdominal organs. 
This happens in the first week of pregnancy but doctors usually discover it by the 8th week of pregnancy. This can really be fatal for the mother, especially to the child. In most cases, the child dies.



  • Light vagina bleeding
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Lower abdominal pain
  • Sharp abdominal cramps
  • Pain on one side of the body
  • Dizziness or weakness
  • Pain in your shoulder, neck or rectum
  • If the fallopian tube ruptures, the pain and bleeding could be severe which can cause fainting
  If these symptoms are felt, it is very important to go a physician to reduce the risk of internal hemorrhaging due to the ruptured fallopian tube.


You may be in a higher risk to have an ectopic pregnancy if you have:
 Used an intrauterine device (IUD), a form of birth control, at the time of conception
  • History of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  • Sexually-transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea
  • Congenital abnormality (problem present at birth) of the fallopian tube
  • History of pelvic surgery (because scarring may block the fertilized egg from leaving the fallopian tube)
  • History of ectopic pregnancy
  • Unsuccessful tubal ligation (surgical sterilization) or tubal ligation reversal
  • Use of fertility drugs
  • Infertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Having those may warn you that you are in a risk to have an Ectopic Pregnancy.


 Ectopic pregnancy is one of the major pregnancy problem accounting for about 10% of all maternal mortility. This pregnancy is not common, happening in one in every 100-150 women. Thirty-eight of 376 US women, and 10  in every 193 British women has suffered this kind of pregnancy. Usually happening with women who had a history of abortion and pelvic surgeries. 


Second-hand smokers in time of the conception increases the risk of impaired immunity which connects to the impaired functioning of the Fallopian tube or if one has undergone a pelvic surgery or any of the etiology written above. They cause a dysfunction in the cilia in the tube, which normally pushes the fertilized egg to the uterus. Dysfunction of the uterine tube blocks or slows the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus. Then, the fertilized egg is blocked and is implanted in the fallopian tube where it intends to grow in 9 months. Abnormal bleeding from the vagina, usually appearing scanty spotting, happens and a sudden severe pain in the abdomen.


This pregnancy is difficult to diagnose at an early stage because it has the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy. But women having this kind of pregnancy often are having severe abdominal pains. This is often diagnosed by the 8th week of pregnancy. A urine test may not be the best way to know this kind of pregnancy but they said that a positive result in a specialized HCG blood test my confirm it. Internal pelvic examination may reveal that the womb is smaller than a normal pregnancy, this way it can be diagnosed. Ultrasound is the safest way when it comes to knowing this kind of pregnancy.


Nowadays, this can be treated without any permanent damage, but in some cases that are not early diagnosed, it resulted to the death of the mother and the child. When diagnosed, a surgery is needed to be performed as soon as possible. Laparotomy (open surgery) or laparoscopy (pin hole surgery) can be done, depending on the size of the ectopic pregnancy. Before, the whole fallopian tube is removed, but in the technologies we have nowadays, just a part of the tube can be removed.


This cant be prevented. But the decrease use of condoms and IUDs can not lead to this kind of pregnancy. It can only be treated as early as possible but not prevented. Just have a proper lifestyle, avoiding the accumulation of STDs and other things harmful in the conception of the baby. Yearly medical examination are necessary, if one uses n IUD. If you are experiencing the signs above, go immediately to your doctor. 

Nursing Intervention

Assess maternal vital signs, bleeding and pain in the abdomen. Explain the condition and the possible outcomes of the pregnancy. Monitor the amount of vaginal bleeding and the increase of abdominal distention and rigidity. Monitor the complete blood count and provide comfort because losing a child is very depressing. Emotional support are really needed on patients with these kind of  problems.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Greatest Woman I've ever known

   Her name is JHENG FIGUEROA and 

 For me, my MOM is the GREATEST and MOST REMARKABLE woman in the world. 
She does many things that not all mothers can do. She patiently understands things that other moms can't do. Aside from being a mother of a beautiful girl like me(HAHA!) she raised me with a good moral character and I'm just so lucky that SHE IS MY MOTHER.

To be honest, I don't do chores at home. I don't clean our house not even my room, and I don't wash our clothes. So, my mom is the one who does all of those stuffs! That's how kind my mother is. She doesn't mind letting us do those stuffs because she only wants a good grades and good manners. That's what makes her DIFFERENT from others. 

Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love.

    My MOM is a HOUSEWIFE, and that is the BEST JOB a mother can have in her LIFE. So She must be paid with the BEST LOVE I can give. With everything that she does, and everything that she sacrificed for us, it's just important to repay those with a RESPECT and a LOVE that will never END. She is again MY MOM, the GREATEST Woman i have ever known in my life. :)

--Ej Figueroa :D

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Insights on the World's Greatest Epic

   Trojan Horse, Athena, Helen, Paris, Odysseus and Hector are just some of the words from 'Iliad and Odyssey' that I'm sure will retain in my mind FOREVER! 

   I've learned a lot from Greeks, in terms of their culture, society and traditions. Let me share those with you.

 Greeks are BRUTAL. 
 They kill, abuse and do whatever they want to do to someone. One example was when Achilles killed Hector, tied his body on his chariot and dragged the latter's corpse around the city of Troy. He didn't think first whether it would be just to drag Hector's body around the city after killing him.

 For them, women just serve as their entertainment, decorations and past-time. That no women can interfere to whatever business they want to engage to; although, in Odyssey it showed me how Odysseus gave importance to his wife, Penelope.

 Greeks are FAITHFUL.
 Everything they are going to think, do and make, depend on their gods and goddesses, that's according to them. That their fate depends on what the gods are going to decide, whether it is for them to be killed or saved or to be rich or poor. They are going to do whatever it is that pleases their gods or goddesses even if it would cause them pain. Just like what Agamemnon did to his own son, when he killed the latter just for the gods to bless their trip.

    Greek's culture is really a rich one. I can say that 'Iliad and Odyssey are one of my favorite movies. I don't regret any discussion we had with our Teacher about Iliad and Odyssey and any time we had used to watch this Epic Movie. They taught me many lessons that I know I would use as time goes by.

--God Bless. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Godlike Achilles

  He is the BEST WARRIOR of the Greeks, a godlike mortal, a handsome killer, and a merciless halfgod.
  That's how I describe and see ACHILLES as a warrior.


Achilles is  the son of Thetis and Peleus. Even before he was born, the fore-thinker warned Zeus that Thetis will bear a son greater than his father. 

Among all the characters of Troy and Helen of Troy, I like Achilles the most!
He can hit his enemies with just one blow. Just like what he did in the first scene of the movie Troy. He kills mortals whenever and wherever. He is like a Lion, whose pride is dying because they dont have something to eat. He kills whoever person gets on his way.

A monster like Achilles also loves, though fear and death are connected to his name. Just like what happened before the famous battle of Hector and Achilles, the former killed the latter's cousin, Patroclus, knowing that he was Achilles because he wore his shield and armor. He grieved because he loves his cousin so much.
Another one is his love for Briseis, a Trojan, that when Troy was burning, he went everywhere just to find her.

Achilles' heel: is a term used to describe the only weakness of Achilles. His heel is his only weakness. Paris killed him using a bow and arrow through his heel. 



Friday, March 18, 2011


"Encourage and assist each CHILD to strive for ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE and to make EXCELLENCE HIS/HER WAY OF LIFE".  

That Mission really defines what TAYTAY UNITED METHODIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL is. That's why TUMCS, my present school, is always ranked as one of the top schools in Rizal.

Every school wouldn’t stand without STUDENTS, like our school, it wouldn’t be what it is today without its students. If we will not study hard today, what do you think will happen to our FUTURE and to our school? For a very long time, our school is known to be one of the best. So can we afford to lose this TITLE given to our school? 

Most of the Alumni became successful; some aren’t that good in class during their HS days. Let's make them an inspiration to strive harder, not just for ourselves, our parents and God but also for our school's Name.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Don't take Grammar Lessons FOR GRANTED

This past few days our English teacher distributed papers in our class, knowing that those were 3rd year batch's grammar errors in our blogs, I immediately looked at it and read it. Thank God that none of those errors were mine. When our whole class was studying the errors, I have realized that even a single word, letter, phrase or sentence was wrong, the whole thing you mean will be different.

I'm really very careful when it comes to my GRAMMAR! I'm not afraid to ask other people just to know if my grammar is correct. I write in a simple way, with no words that mean so deep, just a correct grammar that the whole world can understand.

When I was an Elementary student, I have to admit that I did have a very poor grammar skill, but when I became a High School student and started listening to my English teachers, that was the time when I became sensitive at my english grammar. 

I am not taking GRAMMAR LESSONS at school for granted anymore and that what enhanced my writing skills.
I REALLY HATE WRITING, I REALLY DO especially when our teachers told us to write on a sheet of paper (grr!), but when we are talking about BLOGGING, that totally mean an opposite and a different thing! I just love BLOGGING! My view about WRITING changed when I learned how to blog. I don't know why, but when I'm blogging I can express everything I want to say.

“It is the highest form of self-respect to admit our errors and mistakes and make amends for them. To make a mistake is only an error in judgment, but to adhere to it when it is discovered shows infirmity of character.”  --Dale E. Turner

 There is no harm in correcting one's error! So what our English Teacher did in our class was not to humiliate us, but to make us a better speaker and writer of the English language. Be grateful when others correct us, because it means that they care for us and they don't want us to be laughed at by others.